I have officially started school for the summer, so I am a little behind in my "real" life. However, I have not entirely forgotten about you (the, probably, one other person who reads this blog)! So, until I have time to write something a little more substantial, allow me to suggest a couple of sites for you.
First, there is freepsychotherapybooks.org. This site is 100% legit in that it is totally free and totally legal. They have a lot of books (and even a few workbooks) that have to do with therapy, disorders, relationships, creativity, and much, much more. You just download the books onto your computer and/or tablet and then read. Some books have epub files you can use for your Nook, and some are pdf. only.
The book I just recently finished and *highly* recommend for anyone dealing with this issue, is Living with Chronic Depression: a Rehabilitation Approach, by a Dr. Jerome D. Levin. It starts off really basic, talking about all different kinds of treatments for depression--most of them you probably already know, and those you don't you might want to give a try--and can kind of make you feel worse as you read it. BUT, after you get past that, it really starts to delve into causes and theories and ends up making visible that elusive light at the end of the tunnel. I actually credit this book along with a new course of therapy for my recent upswing. Even if you don't like it, check out the rest of the books, too. What's the harm?
Another site is more for a quick pick-me-up, called Boggle the Owl. Boggle is an owl, and he is worried about you! It isn't a cure for depression, but it is freakin' adorable. Boggle is really good at sending off the vibe of "unconditional positive regard" and he is ready to take your questions and concerns. Yes, it's a tumblr page, but give him a chance--he really loves you!
I hope these pages give you something to do while I work on myself, my homework, and a quality article for you.
~Be well!