Wednesday, July 4, 2018

What just happened?

I woke up the other day with a notification email saying that a comment was left on this blog. It was the strangest thing I have seen in awhile, and I live on the internet.

Things I wrote actually have been read (and commented on) by other people? 

Anyway, I had abandoned this blog quite some time ago, feeling like no one ever read it. Plus I went through more bouts of depression and illness, and after getting better again, I had completely forgotten this blog even existed.

I had considered ignoring the comment, even though it was positive and wonderful, and I was excited that I had affected someone at all. I have been thinking about it and seeing more and more comments come in and views being logged, I decided that a whole blog about illness and depression should probably not just end so abruptly. Just in case anyone got concerned.

So here I am, letting everyone know that I actually am okay.

I got a job and treatment for my Crohn's; I eventually stopped going to my therapist because I felt SO MUCH BETTER, then I got a little worse again (but that was mostly because my job was killing me and my soul very slowly).

I eventually got let go from there and I've gone through a couple of other treatments in the meantime. I was unemployed for a few months and then finally got a new job! I'm exercising and eating right and will eventually get back down to a healthy weight and maybe even able to kick some ass (baby steps).

I'm going back and forth on if I should continue this blog. I suppose maybe it just depends on if there's any call for it. Or maybe I'll read through these posts and re-inspire myself to continue. Who knows?

If I don't, don't worry about me. But if I do, you are always welcome here. (I mean, you'll be welcome here regardless, but I may not engage at all). I might even just link to my other blog from here if I decide not to, I don't know. We'll see.

Until then, take care of yourselves!