If you are in the mindset I discussed in the previous post, then the disease model sounds the most accurate: it is crippling, you're not faking, and for many people, it feels like a "forever" thing.
Before I go any further, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not suddenly going against the disease model just because of what my therapist told me on Tuesday. This is a question I've been struggling with since I was coached in Behavioral Activation: if depression is a disease with real, biological causes, how is it that something like getting out of the house more often can be "prescribed" by real doctors--isn't this just the medical equivalent of "just get over yourself?"
Well...the answer is a resounding kinda.
Depression, as far as we understand it, is caused by a combination of bio-psycho-social influences. This means that there is a physical (biological) component, a social component (where the people around us as well as the environment itself have influence), and a psychological component (our thinking habits, to put it simply).
It is these three things that combine to make us depressed. Once one or all of these become a little too strong or a little too "depressive" in nature, then we start to spiral down. This can happen slowly or all at once, but it is something that snowballs, meaning the individual components stack up against you if you let them.
Obviously, we can't change our genetics. If depression runs in our family, then there is a good chance we're going to become depressed. It's not set in stone exactly, but the possibility still remains. For the other components, however, we have some control.
In a perfect world, we have loving, supportive families that accept us no matter what and always have our back. We have many close friends that help us to better ourselves and see the good in the world. We have a loving significant other who it is always a joy to be around. How many of you are laughing cynically right now? Yeah, that's what I thought.
BUT we can make sure that toxic relationships (SOs who abuse us, friends who degrade us, and family who uses us) are cut out of our lives. We can also take the lead when it comes to finding new friends. This is one area where behavioral activation comes in.
This is obviously easier said than done, especially when in the middle of a depressive episode. Also, depending on how deep you've gotten, this may very well be impossible for the time being. So then, aside from getting psychotropic drugs (which I really do recommend if you need them), you have your thought patterns left.
This is where CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, comes in. This is where you take every thought you have and analyze it until it is no longer harmful in nature. I won't go too in depth about it right now, but basically you try to get yourself to stop thinking distortedly.
So how does this get you better?
Imagine for a second that your brain is a lump of clay and your thoughts are pressurized water streams. Right now, as a depressed individual, you have certain ways of thinking (depressed thinking) that are the easiest to you. These thoughts run a specific course (hypothetically) in your clay-brain, and this course is the path of least resistance, pre-carved for you by a lifetime (or whatever) of those pressurized water streams blasting away at specific spots.
Now think about if you try to get yourself to think differently, more positively. It's still a stream of water, and even at the same pressure as the depressed thinking, but it's trying to go through a pathway that's either not there at all, or at least very narrow and unused. But the more you keep at it, the more you are going to carve yourself a new way of thinking. These ways will be just as easy to use as the old, depressive ways.
This process will be made a lot easier if you make other changes: to your environment, to your physical chemistry (through drugs), to your social circle, and to your physical health (through proper diet and exercise, sun exposure, etc.). It takes a lot of work, but depression doesn't have to be the end of your life. It doesn't have to control you.
And don't think for one goddamned second that this post invalidates your suffering: this shit is real and harmful and it sucks. But just like having to relearn how to walk after an injury, you can relearn how to be happy again (or even for the first time), it just takes a shit load of practice.
I hope this helps you understand depression a little better, and maybe helps a couple of you get the help you need and set you on a path to recovery...
~ <3
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